F&N Article 9: Let’s Celebrate and Get to Work

Posted on June 2, 2024

It’s that time of the year.  Our snowbirds have already left for their northern homes, students have just graduated, and families are planning their vacations.  Summer is going to fly by quickly and before you know it, it will be fall. That’s why our Martin County Forever Conservation Initiative is wasting no time and is laser focused on getting the word out to all voters about the incredible opportunity we have to save our natural lands before they are gone forever. Let us explain.


In April, Martin County Commissioners unanimously approved placing a referendum on the ballot in November to let voters decide if they want to tax themselves to preserve critically important natural lands. We applaud the commissioners for not raising our taxes but letting the voters decide.


Here’s why Martin County voters should vote YES for a half-cent sales tax to preserve our environment, improve the health of our rivers and waterways, and protect our quality of life:


If the referendum passes, voters can expect:

  • The funds generated will only be used to buy lands in specific areas to preserve, conserve, and restore the St. Lucie River and Indian River Lagoon, Pal-Mar, the headwaters of the Loxahatchee and St. Lucie Rivers.  There are nearly 46,000 acres of land identified within these areas.
  • These purchases from willing sellers will help to protect our water sources and wildlife, preserve natural areas and beaches, and provide more open spaces and places for recreation.
  • A portion of the funds raised will be designated for the purchase of conservation easements that will be perpetual and irrevocable. Those easements help farmers keep farming but prevent future development or more intense use of their property and maintain the land in a natural, scenic, open agricultural, or wooded condition.
  • Over $180 million will be raised during the 10 years the half-cent sales tax would be in place. Importantly, that money can be leveraged and receive matching funds from state and federal sources so Martin County would have $360 million to buy these lands.


While there is no disputing that a sales tax is regressive, Florida already has exemptions in place for many items including groceries, prescription medicines, baby and toddler products, school supplies, prosthetic and orthopedic devices, hurricane-resistant products and more. These items will continue to be exempt.  Additionally, the half-cent tax would only apply to the first $5,000 of bigger ticket items.


Martin County Forever worked hard to ensure important legally binding guardrails are in place such as a Citizen-based Oversight Committee and an Annual Audit. These and other guardrails will prevent future county commissions from changing the rules governing how and where the money can be spent.


And now the fun begins!!! Martin County is a very special place - and we want to keep it that way. This conservation initiative is our best chance - and maybe our last chance - to purchase these undeveloped lands from willing sellers and ensure they remain that way during our lifetime and for future generations.


Please get involved and be a part of a lasting legacy. Help us spread the word.   There are many ways you can help:

  • Host a Meet & Greet or Invite us to Speak to your civic or business group or homeowner’s association. Contact us at martincountyforever@gmail.com.
  • Word of Mouth. Tell your family, friends, neighbors, coworkers and employees about the Martin County Forever conservation referendum.
  • Volunteer for one of our Committees, display a Yard Sign on your property, put a Bumper Sticker on your vehicle.
  • Donate. Campaigns require money to get the message out to voters. Please help us educate voters and build widespread support for the conservation referendum by making a donation in any amount.


Please don’t read this and then stand on the sidelines. The time to act is now - before it’s too late. Once the land is gone, it will be gone forever.


And if you’d like to dive into the details, the full referendum and ordinance language can be found here.


Any questions?  Please reach out to us at martincountyforever@gmail.com


For much more info visit www.martincountyforever.com. Follow us on Facebook at Martin County Forever Facebook  or on Instagram at Martin County Forever Instagram.



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